CADS Sunday lunch social and AGM 2018
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Sun 21st January
12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Rose of Denmark

Clifton Amateur Dramatics Society (CADS) AGM 2018
- Jocelyn Egginton (Chair)
- Lucy Black (treasurer)
- Louise Waller (treasurer)
- Tom Brown (secretary)
- Megan King (Publicity)
- Kate Ryan (socials/workshops)
- Charles Hutchence
- Simon Holmes
- Ben Barber
- Pete Stone
Minutes of Previous AGM
- OK
Matters arising from minutes of last
- We got the £500 back from the Alma Tavern and they are now under new ownership and we are all good with them.
Show Reports
Shakesbeer 2 – Kate Ryan
- Learnt a lot from the first time round
- 3 shows per day is better as it gives more time between and less dashing around
- No night-time show is a good idea
- Good having the Bristol Fringe Pub involved as a starting point.
- Well attended
- Did have more money from repeat sales from the year before.
- Still had an issue with people following around without having paid for tickets. However, often these people did return for a later show and actually buy tickets to watch.
- Was good having the stage at the library
- Needs to be shorter if we were to do it or something similar again
- Audition earlier
- If we are to do it again in 2018 then it would be more in May time, hopefully avoiding any bank holidays.
Entertaining Mr Sloane – Lucy Black
- Needs to be noted that the Alma seats 48, and we need to make sure enough seats are set out for the next Alma Show.
- Overall it went well
- Better than Audacity
- The set was a bit flimsy
- Got some new people involved backstage and onstage
- We got good feedback form the Rose Bowl Awards people, but we didn’t win.
Sleeping Beauty
- For extensive notes please see the show report.
- General feedback is that the show went very well.
- All audience feedback has been very positive
- All Cast and Crew had a great time.
- We made just over £1800.
- We brought in a lot of new people into CADS
- It would be great to do another one, although probably not until 2019.
Committee Ratification
- Lucy Black instated as Deputy Treasurer
- Charles Hutchence instated as Workshops Rep
- Jocelyn Egginton reinstated as Chair
- Tom Brown reinstated as Secretary
- Louise Waller reinstated as Treasurer
- Megan King reinstated as Publicity
- Kate Ryan reinstated as Socials
Committee Reports
- 2017 has been a good year for CADS, soe very good shows and some repeat actors returning.
- We made money
- Good fun was had by all
- It’s all good
- Automatic response needs to go out whenever anyone Facebook Messages us.
- Was a good idea to have the Producers take the lead on a big show like the Panto
Paul Richards arrives
- Our level of awareness on Bristol 24/7 gets us listed on other events sites, need to make sure we continue this in 2018
- Alma publicity machine is useful for all our Alma Shows
- Facebook interaction is very good
- Lots of photos were taken during rehearsals, we need to continue this in order to make the website look snazzy.
- The 3 shows had very good publicity and were great.
- Bad Romance was a bis success. Call for more, perhaps 2 or 3 times a year.
- Show related socials are good and should continue
- None this year, hopefully more in 2018
- Rob Egginton continues to deal with this. Committee people who want to know how to use the website should talk to Jos for a tutorial.
- The procedure for buying tickets is not very clear. Some kind of automatic response or email needs to be implemented to make it more intuitive and clearer that tickets have in fact been purchased.
- Pete Stone has offered his help to Rob as needed.
- Charlie could hep to test any new pages.
- Overall we CADS has made £2132 this year
- Money in the bank is currently £8341.77
- We can buy more techy stuff such as wireless mics.
- Shows profit were c. £500 for Shakesbeer, c. £250 for Entertaining Mr Sloane and c. £1800 for Sleeping Beauty.
- There was no spending on workshops in 2017
- A little was spent on stores and the website
- We may have an avenue for a new free rehearsal venue at St Monica’s Trust. This is under the proviso that any show rehearsed there is also performed for the residents at the end of any show run.
- Another possibly free rehearsal venue is Hamilton House.
- The accounts have been audited and it’s all OK
- We have a new bank account and it’s great!
Ratification of Membership Fees
- £15 for January to December
- £10 for September to December (or just one show)
Motions to the AGM
- None
Membership views of CADS in 2017
- Simon Holmes has a sabre and foil that might be useful for the sword fighting workshop
- Would it be useful for CADS to own some LARP swords for future swordy-shows? £99.99 for two?
- Pete Stone might be able to get some LARP swords for the workshop
- Brilliant this year having such a variety of shows, lots of different types of performance offers lots of different ways to be involved.
- Needs to be more socials and workshops in the ‘BIG SHOW’ segment of the year, and then spread out more in the rest of the year to keep membership numbers up.
- It might be fun to play some Board Games at some point?
- Tom has been contacted by someone who wants to set up a BRISTOL AMATEUR DRAMATICS DATABASE. This would be a place where all amateur groups in Bristol could post on the forums and also set up calendars of their planned shows so that clashes are less likely and also would be a good way to collaborate resources and memberships. Would be £10 a year for website hire etc. MOTION APPROVED.
- Tickenham Drama Group are running a technical workshop. If anyone want to go to this then CADS will foot the bill. £20-ish. Send this info out in the membership email.
- Proper proposals meeting for the Alma Tavern slot is set for Monday the 12th of February.
Meeting Adjourned