CADS Ctte mtg Nov (Actually Oct!) 2018
Mon 29th October
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
The Portcullis Pub

Minutes of the CADS Committee meeting 29/10/18
Jocelyn Egginton – Chair
Louise Waller – Treasurer
Charles Hutchence
Tom Brown
Kate Ryan
Lucy Black
Minutes of the last meeting: fine.
Actions arising: We are still waiting for FOCCAL to provide us with their bank details so we can pay them.
ACTION: LOUISE to let them know that if we don’t have details by end of November we will write them a cheque and take it to the library.
The Anniversary
Sold out Thursday and Saturday nights! For some reason Friday isn’t showing on the Alma Tavern web site.
ACTION: LOUISE to check why with the Alma.
ACTION: JOS to buy a ticket for Wednesday
Jos is happy to do Front of House on Wednesday.
Louise sent a PDF copy of the script to the Rosebowl adjudicator.
ACTION: LOUISE to send all cast members a link to sign up as members.
ACTION: JOS to send an email about helping at the Get-in on Sunday 4 November. 12.45 for 1 pm start. Wear old clothes!
Hello Print used to print flyers, posters and programmes; good value. Programmes will be given out for free.
2019 Panto
We need to let people know the timelines for next year’s panto:
- 1 May 2019 – scripts to be submitted to the committee.
- Start May 2019 – script to be chosen and given to editors
- Mid June – edited script finished
- End June/early July – auditions and casting
- Summer – cast learn the lines!
- Sept – rehearsals start
- 18 – 23 November 2019 at the Newman Hall in Westbury-on-Trym – Show week!
ACTION: JOS to send email about panto 2019, including the deadline for scripts to be submitted. Also reminder about Christmas Pantofest social
‘Frankenstein’s Guests’ read-through went well; thanks to Jane for helping with the physical direction.
CADS Christmas social – PANTOFEST!
Venue is booked for the Hope Chapel on Wed 5 December. We have the whole of the ground floor, so plenty of space for different teams. Space is booked 6 pm to 11 pm. Social to run as follows:
- 6.30 pm start with Fish and Chip supper
- 7.30 pm Teams split off to rehearse their sections of ‘Sleeping Beauty’
- 8.30 pm Break
- 8.45 pm Start the performance.
- 10 pm Performance finishes, clearing up!
Food options will be small cod and chips, sausage and chips and just chips. Cost prices, rounded up. Jos will bring salt and vinegar.
Sunday midnight will be the deadline for ordering food so we can place the order with the Clifton Fish Bar on Monday 3 December.
ACTION: JOS to cut the Sleeping Beauty 2017 script down to 60 mins!
ACTION: JOS to ask ROB about getting payment options on the web site, including a zero pmt option for those who don’t want food.
ACTION: JOS to ask ROB to borrow the Unnamed lighting kit.
ACTION: LOUISE to supply ketchup, mayo, festive napkins, chocolates etc.
ACTION: LOUISE to bake chocolate log 😉
ACTION: JOS to ask Tom Bridges about sword fighting workshop number two, possibly in March 2019.
Would be good to do some more rehearsed readings.
AGM 2019
We have a date set (27 Jan) but need to confirm a venue. Rose of Denmark now seems to be doing Sunday roasts again.
ACTION: LOUISE to check if we can book the Buddha room for the AGM
ACTION: JOS to send email to members about putting in applications to amend the CADS constitution and stand for the committee. Deadline for both is 13 Jan 2019. Committee to send info round by 20 Jan 2019 so members have a chance to read it before the AGM.
ACTION: LOUISE to do the accounts for 2018.
ACTION: JOS to ask Nat Delaney if she will kindly audit the accounts again this year.
ACTION: JOS to make sure we appoint an auditor for 2020 at the AGM!
ACTION: JOS to send the accounts to the members by 20 Jan 2019.
Next meeting: Tuesday 4 December!