Minutes of the CADS Committee Meeting 05/06/2018Attending - Jos Eggington – Chair
- Charles Hutchence – Workshops Rep
- Tom Brown – Secretary
Apologies - Lucy Black – Co-Treasurer
- Louise Waller – Co-Treasurer
- Kate Ryan
- Megan King
Minutes of Last Meeting Show Updates Shakesbeer 2018 - 2017 show photos are on the G drive for anyone who needs to use them.
- Jos will put the best 20 or so on the Flickr page so that they will appear on the website
- 2018 Show seems to be coming alomg well
- Publicity is going well so far, posters are up around Clifton and the banner is up outside the Library
- See Publicity for more
- About 50 tickets have been sold so far.
- We have had some problems with the automatic response email that people get when they buy tickets. It currently is scrambled and features a lot of html code. Several people have inquired whether they need to bring a printout of this response email to the shows. There is a bit of Info on the website which tells them that they don’t have to bring a printout.
- Jos has looked in to the scrambled email and hope that it is now fixed, but will fix again if it’s not right yet.
The Anniversary - Facebook event for the read-through (1st Luly) and auditions (3rd & 5th July) is now up.
- Producers to organise the Committee for meeters and greeters at the auditions.
GDPR/Communications - Lucy needs to send Jos the list of people who replied to the GDPR email we send out. Jos will then create the new mailing list.
- We might need to change the wording on the website email signup page to detail exactly what people are signing up for. Jos to draft.
- Charlie will create/copy a privacy policy for Jos to put on the website.
Publicity - Megan is currently unable to act as Publicity rep, so the committee will fulfil these roles as necessary.
- Advertising avenues for Shakesbeer include…
- Getting the Cast to push tickets to friends/family. Kate as director and Lucy/Louise as producers should hammer this home to the cast regularly at rehearsals
- Paper/magazine advertisements are a no.
- Need to get the show on Bristol 24/7 website. Jos to draft an advert for them.
- We have a list of Facebook groups who we can advertise the show to.Charlie to push the show through this avenue.
- We have a list of other am-dram groups. Tom to group email these with an advert.
- Jos to do website listing description of the show.
- Charlie to tweet. Jos needs to make him an admin on the Twitter account.
- Charlie to take pictures at rehearsals.
Workshops - Jos to talk to Tom Bridges about as 2nd sword fighting workshop.
Socials - CADS Picnic coming up on the 7th of July. Fancy dress BYOF picnic at the observatory.
- Kate to create an email about and advertise one GDPR is sorted. Also create a Facebook event.
- We have decided not to take part in the Improv Showdown on the 9th of August. However someone from the committee should go along, and possibly organise a group outing. This would allow us to see if it’s the kind of thing CADS would want to take part in in the future. Lucy?
Website Finance - Hope Chapel has been paid for the sword fighting workshop.
- Jos has been paid for the hire of the swords.
AOB - To avoid future confusion. All Committee meetings will take place at the Portcullis Pub, unless stated otherwise in the committee meeting before.
Date of Next Meeting: 02/07/2018 |