CADS ctte mtg Dec 2016

CADS ctte mtg Dec 2016

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Tue 6th December
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm

The Portcullis Pub

CADS ctte mtg Dec 2016

Minutes of the CADS Committee meeting 6th Dec 2016


  • Rhona Jamieson
  • Megan King
  • Lucy Black
  • Paul Richards (item 2)
  • Tom Brown (item 3)


  • Minutes from the last meeting, 7 November 2016 at 8.00pm

Covered in the agenda


  • Audacity – report, loose ends

Income = £1990

Expenditure = £1259.77

Total profit = £730.23                       Action:            Lucy to pay BRISTOL UNI STA

Show review – tbc

Alma didn’t have enough seats out on the first night

MK – show went really well, excellent production team.

Paul Richards thanked committee for gift.

3) Proposals 2017 – panto and Alma

Various venues suggested, since meeting Newman Hall in Westbury-on-Trym booked for 13-16 December 2017, the booking comes with lights and sound. RJ to venue reccie before paying but used by many groups and recommended. Should be within max 2000 budget.   (RJ not had opportunity to reccie)

Guitar, keyboard, basist, but might use backing tracks

LB has to pay for everything herself then claim it back unless it’s a cheque.

Membership subs to be requested by cheque as no online access available (RJ to include in AGM email)


LB wants to produce at Alma   – consider asking Alma if we can move the date – LB to discuss with Holly                                                                             LB to take forward

Process to get a director – tbc


MK emailed Paula – happy to produce Shakespeare promenade. MK to ask Kate again. Potentially, more than one director, depending on scenes that people like. Confirm to Paula by end of December, MK to ask Paula to approach library.

Relatively little commitment, due to individual scenes.

Action – MK to speak to Kate

  • AGM 2017

BR to confirm if Rose of Denmark                                                                        Action BR

RJ to incorporate request for subs in AGM email                                             Action RJ

Provisional AGM email to be sent out by RJ shortly                             Action RJ

Suggest amendments to the constitution at next meeting such as meeting and AGM quorums.                                                                                               RJ since spoken to Jos who confirmed that membership hence quorum commences at the AGM date

MK and RJ to suggest asking people to be on the committee?          Action MK/RJ

  • Web

RJ to meet with Jos about the website.                          RJ has met with Jos and Rob, who requested that the committee register so that Rob can make them members. MK and RJ have had difficulty in registering, LB has succeeded in registering.

Require digital committee member – webmaster                    RJ to add to AGM email

  • Stores

Ask BR if she has emailed Jim about stores – either way, committee to see what is in the stores.                                                                              Action – committee

 Workshops and Socials

MK to re-address in the New Year                                                            MK – Action 2017

  • AOB
  • Next Meeting

8pm 9th January, at Portcullis