CADS Ctte mtg Oct 2016

CADS Ctte mtg Oct 2016

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Mon 10th October
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm

The Portcullis Pub

CADS Ctte mtg Oct 2016

Minutes of CADS committee meeting, 10 October 2016


  • Paul Richards (Item 1 only)
  • Jo Richmond-Coggan
  • Megan King
  • Lucy Black
  • Rhona Jamieson
  • Beth Reynolds


  • Jim Carter
  • Margot Navellou
  • Richard Farrer


  • Audacity

All in place other than someone to do lighting (possibly Richard, pending confirmation and contact).                                                                                (PR/RF)

Flats in place – to be followed up with Greg.                                             (PR)

Staging – end of bin wallpaper, to paper the flats and side walls to be obtained

Alma sofa to be used.

Budget – costumes mostly supplied by cast, some items may be required to be purchased and budgeted for .

Tickets are on sale.

JRC confirmed that champagne normally supplied to cast who sells the most tickets.

Damon to be comped 2 tickets.

Website – JRC has set up an event page.

Megan will do Facebook event.                                                                    (MK)

Lucy can supply a radiator for the set if required

PR confirmed that rehearsals are going well.

JRC/Megan/Lucy volunteered to prompt during rehearsals if required.                      (JRC/LB/MK)

PR to confirm if anyone else is required for get in/get out.                     (PR)

PR to confirm any outstanding props, request to go out on Facebook   (PR)

PR to mock up a programme and email to committee. PR has a high resolution CADS logo. Committee confirmed that bios to be included if desired.          (PR)

JRC reminded committee that Alma offers 10% off booked meals if ticket for show in hand that night – must be booked.


  • Minutes of last meeting

Jo has new posted, and contacted Instantprint about flyers

Rhi to confirm if contacted police about guns

Improv theatre – no follow up until after Audacity. No possibility of storage. To be discussed in December.

Tshirts – Lucy requires a re-quote, JRC requested white square with black logo, 12 tshirts – 5 medium, 5 large, 2 small. Lucy to bring on first night of Audacity/next meting.                                                                               (LB)

Avonquay House have not responded. Megan aware of events being hosted there. Megan having a look at events there (currently some poetry readings)       (MK)

Socials and workshops – Megan will send out Mailchimp this week.      (MK)

  • Stores

Require a date for a clearout after Audacity (tbc)

RJ to contact FDC about sharing storage space – list on googledocs       (RJ)


  • Spring Show

(dependent on item 5)

  • 2017 Proposals Meeting

MK – at least a month from the date of sending out the email

MK has sent round some guidelines, and reviewed the form which is very simple.

MK suggested having information at Audacity about Proposals – add in any publicity about Proposals and putting in the programme.

Have copies at front of house for Audacity.

Suggested date for proposals meeting – 24th November potentially, upstairs at the Nova, potentially 6-10. Request cash or cheque membership for proposing. JRC to confirm if available.                                                                          (JRC)

MK suggested having a range of options as examples. Dropbox link to be used. Committee email to be provided for questions.

Lucy to request membership fees of all production team/cast of Audacity. (LB)

Megan to mock up a proposal poster for the week of the show. Proposals pack can be available at FOH. CADS board completed 2-3 days before the show. (MK)


  • Workshops

Megan to send emails out


  • AOB

RJ to email Rob to get everyone access to the website                             (RJ)

MK to check if can give RJ access to Facebook                                           (MK)

Beth to email RJ the link to Googledocs                                                      (BR)

JRC to provide useful phone numbers – Nova, Lansdown etc                 (JRC)

Committee can continue to use Jo’s log in details for time being – do not send from Publicity or it will be sent to Jo.

Use Info at to mail people.

RJ to ask Rob about the members list – JRC will ask Jos if she is available in the next two weeks.                                                                                         (RJ/JRC)

Update members’ list in January – RJ and Lucy                                        (RJ/LB)

Ideally, online banking will be available.

Think about the best way of advertising various events etc. to members by next meeting.                                                                                                   (ALL)

Actively encourage new committee members in the programme for Audacity – Beth to send Jo wording.                                                                           (BR/JRC)

AGM venue and date tbc.


  • Next Meeting

7 November @ Portcullis, 8 pm